Faith Formation Handbook

Fundamentals of Faith and Parental Responsibility

We here at Immaculate Parish have a weekly Faith Formation program. However, religious education classes alone do not provide enough time to teach our children all that they need to know about the Faith. The Church tells us, "Parents, in virtue of their participation in the fatherhood of God, have the first responsibility for the education of their children... In particular, they have the mission of educating their children in the Christian faith” (Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church 460). Because of this, we humbly ask that all parents take an active role in passing on the Faith to their children. This means striving to set a positive example by praying daily and attending Mass weekly, as well as by helping to teach foundational faith practices. 

Registration and Fees

All children, regardless of their home parish, are welcome to join us in our Faith Formation classes here at Immaculate, and our parishioners are entitled to attend free of charge. To help cover the costs associated with running our program, there is a $35 fee for every child not a registered parish member. This fee will be paid to the parish office before November 1st, and any checks will be payable to Immaculate Parish. (If there is difficulty in covering this cost, please get in touch with the Director of Faith Formation and an alternative agreement can be made. No child will be turned away!)

Textbooks and Supplies

All students are provided with a textbook for use during class time and any other materials necessary. We ask that items such as toys and portable video game consoles are not brought to Formation nights. Phone usage will not typically be allowed. Any breach of these rules may temporarily confiscate one’s phone or other distracting device.


The Faith Formation program here at Immaculate Parish seeks to provide every child with an opportunity to grow in the Faith: our success in attaining this goal, however, requires consistent attendance on the part of all registered. As a rule, children are expected to attend no less than 70% of all classes and may be notified if their attendance drops below an undesirable point. Parents should notify the Director of Faith Formation if a child is expected to be absent due to either athletics or illness. Unexpected absences may result in make-up work being assigned.

Weather and Communication

If either school system (county or city) is closed due to bad weather, there will be no Faith Formation that evening. If this—or any other cause—requires us to cancel classes, we will send a notification via text. Less immediate updates about our program will be published in the Faith Formation section of the church’s website,, as well as in the weekly bulletin: so be sure to grab one after attending weekend Mass!

Discipline and the Use of Classrooms

The Diocese of Owensboro requires every child to take a copy of the Code of Conduct relative to their grade level, read and discuss it with their parents, and then return it to the parish or their grade’s catechist. Students are expected to attend class consistently, participate in group activities and discussions, and show respect towards their teachers and fellow students. We are called in the Christian life to treat others as we would like ourselves to be treated, and this rule finds no exception in the classroom. Additionally, we ask that students try to keep the classrooms clean and orderly. Owensboro Catholic Middle School allows us to use its facilities in good faith; therefore, any materials that do not belong to us are not to be disturbed, and no outside food should be brought into the classrooms. (This includes the use of chewing gum.)

A conference involving student and parent may follow if radical or disruptive behavior expresses itself—especially abusive language, fighting, vandalism, verbal disrespect, theft, or leaving the premises without permission. Dismissal from the program would only result if such issues in behavior were not resolved.

Parental Involvement

We are truly grateful for all those members of Immaculate Parish who choose to share their time and talent with our Faith Formation program. We sincerely ask that every family, whether through action or prayer, help us build and uphold a program capable of enriching the faith lives of our children. Any volunteers who help by working directly with our children must follow all Diocesan Safe Environment policies and complete all necessary training and background checks. In addition to serving as a catechist, aid, or substitute, there also exists the opportunity to volunteer as a helper, which could involve anything from monitoring hallways to directing traffic.


The safety of our children is a top priority! To ensure that everyone in our care remains accounted for, we require that all students enter and exit only by the rear door of Owensboro Catholic Middle School, which will be locked after 6:30 pm. Children will not be permitted to leave the building on their own. We ask that any parent wishing to pick up their child early knock and wait to be let in. The Director of Faith Formation will review fire, lock-down, and severe-weather procedures with students and catechists throughout the year.

Arrival Procedures

Please enter the Immaculate/OCMS campus from the south entrance. After entering the driveway from Christie Place, drive to the end of the second western door of the school building (the one facing the football field). Drive to the speed bump, stop, and wait for the passengers to unload anywhere in the loading zone. There will be an adult at the door to receive students. This is the only door to be used as an entrance to the building. Students can enter the building at 6 pm, fifteen minutes before class begins. After entering the building, students will head directly to the cafeteria. Drivers are to proceed north then and exit on Christie Place.

Dismissal Procedures

After entering the OCMS and Immaculate Church campus from the south entrance, park in one of the four spaces in the loading zone, if these spots are filled, other cars may line up in two lanes behind the four vehicles. (These two lanes should not extend into Christie Place.) A traffic monitor will ask you to identify who you are picking up.

Students will line up in the hallway closest to the dismissal door during dismissal. A monitor outside will tell the names of those getting picked up to a monitor inside. There will also be a helper to assist with safely loading the students. When all four cars are loaded, a traffic monitor will signal them to leave one by one in a single file before exiting north on Christie Place. Once all four cars have moved away, the next four cars in line may drive forward.

Parked Cars

Anyone helping (besides catechists and aides) may park in the area behind the church or the school annex. They should be careful not to block the areas used for dropping off and picking up students. The western school door, the only door which will be unlocked, will be opened each evening at 5:30 pm exclusively for the use of catechists and aides.