"The Parish Council is more than a group of advisors to the pastor, more than representatives of various groups or factions within the parish, and more than the decision makers of the community. Members of the Parish Pastoral Council are called to be effective parish leaders who are atentative to current cultural realities and have a sense of ministry flowing from an on-going spirituality. These leaders are challenged to be inclusive of all members and to develop a sense of parish Church within the broader context of the diocesan and universal church"....Guidelines and Policies for Parish Pastoral Councils, Diocese of Owensboro, 2007
Zack Clark, Chairperson
Brad Brown, Vice Chair
Carol Morris
Rosemary Rumage
Steve Garvin
Amanda Mudd
Billy Boarman
Chris Kluck
Amy Pride
Josh Melton
John Jones
Ginny Coomes
Lisa Fulkerson, Finance Chairperson, (appointed)